Why I love Save Richmond dot com
It seems that surface knowledge of the boondoggle that is the Virginia Center for Performing Arts has reached the ears of even the Richmond Citizenry that doesn’t pay attention at all, some of whom keep breathlessly keep feeding me details that I read about two years ago on Save Richmond.
It seems that the Times-Dispatch has the same problem with news lag.
In case you aren’t keeping up, the project is still a disaster, sucking money from the public coffers, lurching around with no accountability to the taxpayers and no reference to the art community it is supposed to be supporting.
If you can stand the pain, take Save Richmond’s EZ 2 Love Our City Quiz.
This is my favorite question:
5. The Virginia Performing Arts Foundation’s contract with its longstanding consultant, AMS Planning & Research, is up for renewal this summer. Which of the following is NOT an accomplishment of this consulting firm?
A. Advised and wrote the original plan for Miami’s Carnival Performing Arts Center, which has now gone $250 million over budget, with monthly costs bloating from an original estimate of $306,000 to more than $616,000.
B. Advised the Kimmel Center in Philadelphia, which opened in an unfinished state, and with cost overruns that contributed to a $30 million debt.
C. Claimed that the shows presented at University of Richmond’s Modlin Center would have no effect on Richmond’s arts center project because the Modlin was “at the University of Virginia in Charlottesville.”
D. Hired Michelle Walter to advise the Virginia Performing Arts Foundation not long after she resigned as the Chief Operating Officer of the Virginia Performing Arts Foundation.
E. Still clears $10,000 a month from the Richmond project.
F. All of these are AMS accomplishments.
(The answer is F, but you knew that, didn’t you?)
It seems that the Times-Dispatch has the same problem with news lag.
In case you aren’t keeping up, the project is still a disaster, sucking money from the public coffers, lurching around with no accountability to the taxpayers and no reference to the art community it is supposed to be supporting.
If you can stand the pain, take Save Richmond’s EZ 2 Love Our City Quiz.
This is my favorite question:
5. The Virginia Performing Arts Foundation’s contract with its longstanding consultant, AMS Planning & Research, is up for renewal this summer. Which of the following is NOT an accomplishment of this consulting firm?
A. Advised and wrote the original plan for Miami’s Carnival Performing Arts Center, which has now gone $250 million over budget, with monthly costs bloating from an original estimate of $306,000 to more than $616,000.
B. Advised the Kimmel Center in Philadelphia, which opened in an unfinished state, and with cost overruns that contributed to a $30 million debt.
C. Claimed that the shows presented at University of Richmond’s Modlin Center would have no effect on Richmond’s arts center project because the Modlin was “at the University of Virginia in Charlottesville.”
D. Hired Michelle Walter to advise the Virginia Performing Arts Foundation not long after she resigned as the Chief Operating Officer of the Virginia Performing Arts Foundation.
E. Still clears $10,000 a month from the Richmond project.
F. All of these are AMS accomplishments.
(The answer is F, but you knew that, didn’t you?)
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